The Nags Head
I live at the top of a hill in Sheffield with a glorious view across the city, even more stunning now due to clear skies.
It's a terraced house which I own and live in on my own. My partner has been in lockdown with me at my house as he faced lockdown alone due to his three grown up children living with their partners.

I rely on my hairdresser to do my roots, sadly as this is not the case now, my partner took on the challenge. Fortunately (for both of us!) the results were great.
In what ways has the coronavirus pandemic changed the way you use your home?
I now work from home in my kitchen (office!). My attic (the gym) is used regularly for weight sessions and also online yoga. My lounge door is shut all day as that is my evening retreat.
My friends have all named our houses as pubs for when we do weekly online pub quizzes...according to my partner Si, my house is The Nags Head (he laughed a lot more than I did when he suggested the name!).

Our family quiz, the photo is taken from the Kents house, where my Si's daughter, Laura the nurse, lives currently.
How do you feel about your home? How have these feelings changed?
I have always loved my home, I feel safe here and the decor tells a strong story about me and my experiences and tastes.
I still love my home although wish I had a more private garden; my neighbours' lockdown task is taking down some huge conifers in their garden so I've had their children playing on my lawn and also a lot of chainsaw noise in the day!
How does staying at home affect your relationships?
My Mum is over in the North West and not being able to see her upsets me even though we speak daily. I just want to be able to bake her a lemon drizzle cake again!
My partner is slowly realising on a Monday he needs to sit quietly whilst I watch Housewives of Cheshire. We haven't argued YET.
I miss my friends and work colleagues, thank goodness for Zoom and social media.
What do you appreciate most about your home? What do you find frustrating?
I appreciate the location, just down the hill is a huge park and on my daily runs I am practically in the Peak District.
I appreciate the attic space, great for my home gym and also the view and noise out of the window for our 8pm Thursday NHS clapping.
I appreciate my big bed!
I am frustrated by how much room in my kitchen my office chair takes up. I thought I was frustrated by the neighbours chopping their trees down but actually it's proving great viewing!
How has lockdown changed your habits or routines at home?
I have more time to sleep. I love the extra time I get back in the mornings from having no commute, or at least a very short one down the stairs.
I tried learning Irish dancing! I've also tried yoga with slightly more success.
I've baked some cakes for my partner's daughter who is nurse, to take for colleagues on her ward.
I appreciate the birds singing in the morning and also the blue sky.
I watch less TV and listen to the radio more. I run most days for fresh air and value my time more in general.
How is your sense of home affected by your neighbours or those living nearby?
The Thursday clapping on the hill is fantastic, we are a mix of owners, rentals, students, house shares and young families, generally a rather private bunch though; we definitely speak to each other more at the moment though!
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