Room with a view
Use the prompts below to explore what's outside your own window.
With limited outside space people often put pots of plants outside their window.
It gives them a sense of an outdoor garden in the city.
This watercolour painting shows the view of the artist's plant-covered roof terrace.

- Look outside your window, what can you see?
- Close your eyes, what noises can you hear?
- Are there any smells coming from outside?
- Can you notice any signs of spring?
- A person, a hat, a dog, a bike, a scarf. Write down everything you see. Does this list change during the day?
- Can you write an acrostic poem inspired by your view?
- Have a go at drawing a picture of your view.
How to write an acrostic poem
The first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase vertically, like this:
Sunny days
Pink blossom
Run and play
New lambs
Goats grazing