Lessons in Gravity: Agitation by Lead
By Rojbîn Arjen Yiğit
stopped at the twelve disciples
I wring him out, trees knead me
into a riot hymn his sword
a poisoned fantasy
I pluck a coup from my belly
he sucks the marrow's country
slimed wetlings of pleasure
this man a godded mortal
I finger a revolution out of me
death is a sister on my back
a single spine shared -
we smash him down towards
my face the holy sphere
an oiled sun death wetting
her chains, half a swallow
I vomit myself a black sword
About Rojbîn Arjen Yiğit
Rojbîn Arjen Yiğit is a Kurdish writer and medical student. Her poetry probes the themes of language, exile and womanhood. She has performed for Blackbox (Apples and Snakes). She is part of The Writing Room 2022 cohort, and contributing to the What the Water Gave Us anthology which will be published by Takeaway Press in 2023.

Lessons in Gravity
Poems from Museum of the Home by The Young Poets Collective. Edited by Anthony Anaxagorou. Get a copy of the anthology from our shop
About the project
Lessons in Gravity is a collection of poems written by young people aged 15–24 exploring themes of power, identity and the legacy of colonialism at the Museum.