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Open today 10am-5pm | Free entry
Maayan+Sophia+Weisstub The Bed Final

The Bed: A place of rest and security, of warmth and protection? At once a symbol of ‘home’ and the portal to the world of dreams, a bed can also be a place of pain.

This work replaces the crisp clean linen of the archetypal bed with battered and bruised skin bearing signs of abuse and trauma, the concrete signs of hurt expressed. The bruises and blemishes are the outcomes of a scenario that unfolds in the safety of the home, hidden by the privacy of the bedroom.

The Bed depict the different forms of abuse that occur behind closed doors: the physical, the mental, the emotional. Artist, Maayan Sophia Weisstub, hopes that this installation will engage audiences with experiences of hidden abuse and trauma, and with their aftermath; the shame, hurt, and damage, invisible to the world but nevertheless present even after the bruises fade away.

The Bed is free to view in the basement galleries at the end of the Rooms Through Time. The exhibition runs from 5 July to the end of Festival of Sleep.