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Domestic Game Changers

A selection of everyday items from the past 400 years which have transformed the ways we live in our homes. Many of which are still shaping our home lives today.

Which object has changed your home the most?

Some Domestic Game Changers

Cream plastic thermostat on white background
Domestic Game Changers
Warmth at the turn of a dial
Detail of the lantern clock
Domestic Game Changers
Keeping time
Cream plastic 1960s television set
Domestic Game Changers
Time to tune in
A metal two-pronged fork with a cream handle, decorated with colourful patterns
Domestic Game Changers
How the fork came to dominate our dining tables
A bath and sink in a yellow bathroom
Domestic Game Changers
Exploring the history of drinking water at home
Pink wallpapered living with large mirror on a mantelpiece and large television set.
Domestic Game Changers
A brief history of mirrors
A lightbulb on a white background
Domestic Game Changers
From candles to electric lights
Argos catalogue
Domestic Game Changers
A brief history of shopping at home